Curriculum Vision
Our vision is to provide an exceptional education that is inclusive and challenging for all learners and provides wider opportunities for all. We aim to equip our children with the aspirations, knowledge and skills for a successful future through a rich, broad and stimulating curriculum.
To achieve this we have created the following curriculum intent:
- Provide exemplary teaching that secures knowledge and understanding and moves beyond basic skills and the requirements of the National Curriculum.
- Create memorable experiences that make pupils think, challenge and question.
- Enthuse and excite through a purposeful learning journey.
- For children to lead their learning: being equipped with wider values and skills for life beyond KS2.
Our curriculum is taught creatively. This means pupils experience lessons that link together learning that makes sense and naturally work together, providing them with opportunities to link their learning to real life contexts and apply key stills in other subject areas. For example, pupils could explore Healthy Eating in PSHCE, apply this learning in Design and Technology where they create Healthy Drinks for consumers and link their learning from Science on Nutrition and Digestion.
Our pupils learn the National Curriculum through broad topic areas where they experience an exciting start to immerse them into the theme, create awe and wonder and lead them in to asking questions they would like to answer. For example, whilst learning the 'Pharaohs' topic, pupils are learning primarily about Ancient Egypt, but will explore the question 'What makes a leader?' where they will explore the role of child leader Tutankhamun. Through this approach, pupils learn important key knowledge and understanding, but also develop critical thinking skills that help them to remember, understand, apply, analyse, evaluate and create. Pupils experience a purposeful learning journey, where they work towards answering key questions, and producing work for a defined purpose.
We want our pupils to be well-rounded individuals who develop lifelong learning skills, therefore we teach our pupils how to apply our school values in their curriculum learning. This supports them to be aspirational learners, who can persevere, be resilient, be independent, be curious and engage fully in every learning opportunity.
The table below shows our whole school Curriculum Overview. Underneath, you will find a link to each year group's half termly curriculum map and individual pages for each subject. These pages give a more detailed overview of the curriculum for each subject area.
- Reading
- Writing
- Maths
- Science
- Computing
- PE
- History
- Geography
- Art
- Design Technology
- Music
- RE
- Spanish
Guidance for Parents: