
Maths Intent at Alderton Junior School

At the Alderton Junior School, we have the determination that all children will become successful mathematicians during their time in the school. We recognise that mathematics is a highly creative, inter-connected discipline, essential in laying down the foundations for understanding the world and skills for life.

By the end of their mathematical journey at the Alderton Junior School, pupils will have become more flexible and fluent thinkers and resilient problem solvers.

Within our challenging and engaging lessons, oracy and conceptual understanding is prioritised over procedural understanding, allowing children to think deeply and articulate their reasoning.

Language and Communication

Pupils respond confidently to questions expecting them to justify choices or explain their thinking. They use accurate mathematical language and speak fluently on age-appropriate content, as well as having the confidence to attempt to reason through more challenging, open-ended questions. They reason through and discuss appropriate strategies to solve increasingly complex problems and investigations.

Conceptual Understanding

Our KS2 maths curriculum ensures progression with a strong CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach. Children begin with concrete tools (e.g., counters, beads, diennes) to explore concepts, progressing to pictorial representations like diagrams, sketches, and bar models. This builds deep understanding and skill proficiency, preparing them for abstract mathematics such as long division.

Pupils fluently navigate between representations, using abstract notation and mathematical language accurately. They connect different representations, considering their focus and implications. Pictorial and concrete scaffolds support their explanations, deepening understanding over time. Embedded learning enables fluent recall and connections across mathematical areas, helping them tackle complex problems.

Mathematical Thinking

Pupils approach problems systematically and increasingly independently, identifying patterns, relationships, and familiar properties. They conjecture, justify with examples, and use accurate mathematical language with appropriate scaffolds (concrete, pictorial, or abstract). They connect mathematical ideas to real-life contexts and develop generalisation skills. Over time, pupils recognise familiar structures in new contexts, applying knowledge to find efficient solutions and respond to problem-solving questions. They evaluate their work and understanding, becoming more proficient at problem-solving.

Curriculum Overview:

In Years 3-6, pupils follow the National Curriculum Mathematics Programmes of Study using Ark Curriculum (Maths Mastery).

maths curriculum overview 1 .pdf

AJS Calculation Policy 

​​​​​​The main outcomes for children are to:

  1. Acquire a deep and secure conceptual understanding of Number as the firm foundation for developing fluency.
  2. Develop a range of mental calculation strategies in order to be secure with using a written method for all four rules of Number. Pupils will make reasonable and informed decisions when choosing the most efficient strategy/method when calculating.
  3. Apply their knowledge and understanding in a range of contexts.
  4. Develop a problem-solving approach; building skills of resilience and perseverance and making links with the wider world.
  5. Reason and draw upon a repertoire of mathematical vocabulary to support their arguments.
  6. Have equal access to rich mathematical learning experiences regardless of race, culture, gender, special educational needs or disability.
  7. Explore and demonstrate mathematical ideas, enriching their learning experience and deepening understanding.

Maths Meetings

Maths Meetings happen 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes to practise ongoing mathematical learning and reinforce memory of key knowledge and skills. Maths meetings include pre-teaching, counting on, times tables practise, and any areas of Maths that need to be consolidated.

Fluent in Five and Rapid Reasoning

Fluent in Five is timetabled each day for 10-15 minutes to practise mental and written arithmetic skills which is important in order to keep calculation skills fresh. Fluent in Five provides a daily set of arithmetic practice, designed to help children develop and maintain fluency in both written and mental calculations. The structure of Fluent in Five is also designed to help children distinguish between written and mental calculations. 

Rapid Reasoning is timetabled each day alongside Fluent in Five providing pupils with reasoning questions for them to answer. These types of questions are essential as they help children develop and practise their reasoning skills. It is designed to complement our Fluent in Five resource, which provides daily fluency practice.


Pupils will be assessed termly on their Mathematical subject knowledge. NFER Tests are used to summarise pupil attainment and progress for the term.This also allows for Gap Analysis and planning to address areas of development every term. Teachers will also use Cold Tasks and Hot Tasks as a pre and post diagnostic tools to assess what children are learning in each unit.

Useful Websites

Parent Guides

Times Tables Rock Stars

Year 4 Multiplication Check


Maths Leader:

Ms Maggie Gordon