Computing Intent at Alderton Junior School
At The Alderton, our intentl is to ensure our pupis are prepared to be confident, effective and safe users and creators of technology. We aim to make all learning memorable through embedding the use of up to date technologies throughout the curriculum to inspire all children to excel in computing and to tailor our teaching and learning to suit their needs.
Curriculum Summary:
Key Stage 2
At The Alderton Junior School, we recognise the importance of equipping pupils with the skills necessary to navigate an increasingly digital world. Our intent for computing is to develop pupils who are not only proficient in using a range of technologies but also understand the importance of safety and responsibility in the digital landscape. We primarily follow the NCCE Teach Computing curriculum but have made adaptations based on the needs of our pupils.
As pupils advance through KS2, they will engage with various technological tools that enhance their learning experience across the curriculum. Technology is not confined to the realm of computing; it permeates subjects such as mathematics, science, and the humanities, facilitating interdisciplinary learning and fostering creativity. We aim for our teaching to reflect this integrated approach, ensuring that technology supports the educational journey of all pupils, irrespective of their background.
Our curriculum is designed to build digital literacy and critical thinking skills, encouraging pupils to use these tools safely and effectively.
By the end of KS2, we aspire for our pupils to leave with a comprehensive understanding of technology, armed with the skills to apply their knowledge confidently and safely in various contexts. This commitment not only prepares them for the next stage of their education but also empowers them as responsible digital citizens in a rapidly evolving future.
Curriumulm Overview:
alderton junior curriculum overview.pdf
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, we know it is imperative to develop pupils who are adept at utilising a range of technologies safely. As they prepare to navigate their future, the emphasis should be on making informed decisions when engaging with the Internet. The "Be Internet Awesome" initiative is designed to empower children with the essential tools that will enable them to explore, grow, and play online with both confidence and safety. We utilise Google's 'Interland' as a means of educating our pupils on key elements of online safety.
Pupils are assessed half-termly on their computing subject knowledge using assessments on Google Classroom.
Computing and Technology Leader:
Miss E Sumsion