Pupil Premium & Free School Meals 

At The Alderton Junior School, we hold high aspirations for all children. We believe all children should be given every opportunity to reach their full potential. In order to allow every child to flourish, we endeavour to provide personalised learning opportunities.

We recognise that some pupils are entitled to the Pupil Premium funding and we use this money to ensure the children are being provided wider opportunities to diminish the gaps between them and their peers. The money is spent on each child to ensure their needs are met – this can be academic, social or emotional targeted support.

The link below will take you to our Pupil Premium Strategy document which breaks down the school strategy for this academic year: 

Pupil Premium Strategy for 2024-2027

 AJS Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-2027

Pupil Premium Priorities

Mrs Sarah Finn is our Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) Champion.

Mr Andrew Jobling is our PPG Champion link governor.

Our priorities include:

  • ensuring all pupils can access the curriculum;
  • supporting all children to feel secure and happy at school;
  • providing additional teaching and learning opportunities;
  • supporting children’s needs;
  • providing extra-curricular learning;
  • providing a wide range of first hand experiences for children to draw on;
  • supporting and extending more able pupils. 

What is the Pupil Premium Grant?

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was introduced in April 2011. The funding, received as an addition sum to the general annual grant (calculated using the total number of children on roll), is based on school census figures for the following children:

Those eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the past six years.

Those who have been adopted, or have a special guardianship, residence or child arrangements

order in place.

Those recorded as a service child or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.

Eligibility For Free School Meals

Families who are in receipt of one or more of the following are entitled to free school meals and by registering, unlock vital funding that the school can use to support their child:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on, paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit

To check your eligibility for free school meals please click on the following link:

Pupil Premium Eligibility Checker

Why Apply?

Not only will successful applicants save hundreds of pounds in school dinner costs each year, but you will also be eligible for 25% reduction in the cost of school trips. The Pupil Premium Grant is also used in many other ways, including the cost of employing extra staff and running support groups, as well as the purchase of specific resources to help improve learning.