School Meals
Lunch Menus
Meals are cooked on site using fresh and locally sourced ingredients. The menu is changed termly and involves a three week rotating plan.
Our cook is available to meet with parents / carers / where a child has a particular food intolerance or allergy. We offer vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options on request. Please contact the school office with initial enquiries.
The lunch menus rotate every 2 weeks.
Please make the lunch choice selection for your child in advance via Arbor.
Children's meal choices should be selected in advance for the whole half-term through the Arbor App.
On the lunch menu, the choices all have a corresponding letter. Please use the letter to select the meal choice in Arbor. You can also tick a box underneath your selection so that the same choice will automatically be selected every 2 weeks.
A) packed lunch from home
B) hot school meal of the day
C-E) alternative options of the day
We ask that if you intend for your child to have a packed lunch every day or on certain days, that you select the home packed lunch option (A) and don't leave it blank. This is to make all the meal choices clear for the midday staff to check-off on the daily lunch report, as the children come in to the dinner hall.
Please note that meal choices can be changed, so if meal plans change and you need to select a different choice for your child this can be done.
If you have a query or problems accessing Arbor please contact the school office and they will be happy to help.