Home and Remote Learning

Home Learning at Alderton Junior School can be accessed through Google Classroom. The Classroom will be updated with links and resources each week for pupils to complete the tasks set. Please access all resources at classroom.google.com and sign in with your child’s account.

Tasks will be set on a Monday, and class teachers will check that pupils are accessing the online platforms before the following Monday, where new Home Learning will be set. Home learning in each area will reflect current learning in class. If necessary, teachers may then follow up with pupils in class or with a Teaching Assistant to ensure pupils achieve to the best they possibly can and any difficulties are addressed.

Reading: Pupils should be reading with/to an adult or be read to for 20 minutes and should log their reading on the BoomReader App.

Maths: Pupils should login into MyMaths and complete the tasks allocated by their teachers in order to consolidate learning they have completed in class. Pupils also have access to Times Table Rockstars and should be regularly accessing this to develop their times tables speed and fluency.

English: Pupils should log in to Spelling Shed to complete work related to what they have been learning in class.. 

Accessing Google Classroom from PC, Mac or Chromebook

How to Access Times Tables Rock Stars